Pork Pies


Pork pie filling

  • 250g pork loin, minced

  • 75g pork shoulder, minced

  • 75g unsmoked back bacon, minced

  • ½ onion, finely chopped

  • small bunch of sage, leaves picked and finely chopped

  • pinch of ground nutmeg

  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Hot-water crust

  • 265g plain flour

  • 55g strong white bread flour

  • 55g unsalted butter, diced (1/2 a stick , 1/4 cup, 4 tbsp)

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 65g lard

  • 1 egg, lightly beaten, for glazing


For the filling,

  1. Put all the minced meats into a bowl. Add the onion, sage and nutmeg, then season with salt and pepper. Mix together well and divide the mixture into 6 equal portions.

  2. Heat the oven to 190°C/170°C fan/Gas 5 380f. For the hot-water crust, tip both flours into a bowl. Rub in the butter with your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

  3. Put the salt and lard together in a pan with 135ml of water and heat until the lard has melted. Bring to the boil, then immediately pour the mixture over the flour mixture.

  4. Mix the pastry with a wooden spoon, then as soon as it is cool enough, tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and work together into a ball. (Be careful that the dough is not too hot when you start to work it.) Once you have formed a ball, leave it to cool slightly. If the pastry is still lumpy, work it a minute or two longer. Divide the dough in 2 pieces, one piece slightly bigger than the other.

  5. Working as quickly as you can, roll out the larger piece of dough to about 3mm thick – it should be glossy and still warm to touch. Using the 11cm cutter, cut out 6 rounds and use them to line the muffin holes, shaping them to fit the sides. The pastry should come slightly above the rim of each mold.

(8.5 cm for small pies 3 3/8" (mason jar lid used as cutter for inside, tom paste cutter for lids))

  1. Roll out the smaller piece of dough and use the 9cm cutter to cut out 6 lids. Use the narrow end of the piping nozzle to make a steam hole in the top of each lid. 5.5cm for small (2") (tom paste cutter)

  2. Put one portion of the filling into each pastry case. Brush the pastry-case rims with beaten egg and place the lids on top. Crimp together the edges to seal, then brush the lids with beaten egg to glaze. Bake the pies for 40 minutes, until golden brown.

  3. When the cooked pies are cool enough to handle, very carefully remove them from the tin and transfer them to the baking sheet. Brush the side of each pie with beaten egg, then return the pies to the oven for 10 minutes, until the sides are dark golden